The members of the METHODS team are listed here in alphabetic order by last name. You can use filters to refine the list by their respective roles (e.g., team leader, researcher, PhD student, etc.).
Farzaneh Alebouyeh
Melissa Amyx
Post-doctoral researcher
Alan Balendran
PhD student
Gabriel Baron
Senior biostatistician
Dina Bedretdinova
Post-doctoral researcher
Celine Beji
Assistant professor
Amira Benattia
PhD student
Lydie Bielooseroff
Community Manager ComPaRe
Isabelle Boutron
Director of CRESS
Antoine Braconnier
PhD Student
Maria Clotilde Carra
Anna Chaimani
Inserm senior researcher
Astrid Chevance
Assistant professor
Audrey Conjaud
Administrative and financial assistant
Sebastien Czernichow
Thomas Davergne
Assistant Professor
Mauricia Davidson
Post-doctoral researcher
Moïse Desvarieux
Co-director, IAL, Mailman- CRESS INSERM
Elise Diard
Communications Manager
Antoine Duclos
Mélissa Duran
PhD Student
Isabelle Durand Zaleski
Etienne Karl Duranté
PhD student
Marwan El Homsi
Scientific project manager