Our teams: METHODS

I am a physiotherapist specialized in rheumatology, a doctor in epidemiology, and an Associate Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation at Université Paris Cité (DUS2R). I am a member of the METHODS team at CRESS-UMR1153 and I teach epidemiology at Université Paris Cité.

My research focuses primarily on digital rehabilitation, including the evaluation of interventions and the development of specific methodologies for digital rehabilitation devices. Additionally, I am the scientific director of a startup developing a digital rehabilitation tool.

Research interests

  • Development of digital rehabilitation interventions: patient involvement, digital literacy, personalization
  • Evaluation of digital rehabilitation interventions
  • Implementation of digital rehabilitation interventions (virtual reality, tele-rehabilitation, tele-monitoring, trackers)

Key publications

  • Regnaux JP, Davergne T, Palazzo C, Roren A, Rannou F, Boutron I, et al. Exercise programmes for ankylosing spondylitis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2019
  • Davergne T, Meidinger P, Dechartres A, Gossec L. The Effectiveness of Digital Apps Providing Personalized Exercise Videos: Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis. J Med Internet Res, 2023 ;25:e45207
  • Davergne T, Pallot A, Dechartres A, Fautrel B, Gossec L. Use of Wearable Activity Trackers to Improve Physical Activity Behavior in Patients With Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Arthritis Care & Research 2019;71:758–67.5


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