Members Homepage Members Members You will find below the list of CRESS members presented in alphabetical order. You can filter the list by function (for example, team leader, researcher, doctoral student, etc.) Filter by team OPPaLE Support platform – SMART International Associate Laboratory HERA EpiAgeing EPICEA EAROH METHODS ECAMO EREN ECSTRRA EPOPé Filter by function CRESS management Team leader Researcher PhD student Engineer Research support staff Invited researcher Intern Autres Clear filters Apply Aurélie Danjou Post-doctoral researcher OPPaLE Patricia Dargent-Molina Research professor OPPaLE Thomas Davergne Assistant Professor METHODS Mauricia Davidson Post-doctoral researcher METHODS Blandine de Lauzon-Guillain Research professor OPPaLE Alexandre De Sa Dietician EREN Nicolas Déchamp Bioinformatician EREN Henri Dehove PhD student EREN Pierre Delorme Researcher OPPaLE Véronique Delormel Administrative and financial assistant OPPaLE Noémie Demaré PhD student EREN Catherine Deneux-Tharaux Research professor OPPaLE Emmanuel Desandes MD, Epidemiologist OPPaLE Jules Descamps Assistant Professor ECSTRRA Valérie Deschamps Epidemiologist (ESEN) EREN Mélanie Deschasaux-Tanguy Senior researcher EREN Thomas Desplanches Researcher OPPaLE Briana DeStaffan PhD Student OPPaLE Moïse Desvarieux Co-director, IAL, Mailman- CRESS INSERM METHODS Elise Diard Communications Manager METHODS Tenimba Diarra Statistician OPPaLE Caroline Diguisto Researcher OPPaLE Maxime Dougados Researcher ECAMO Courtney Dow Post-doctoral researcher OPPaLE 123456710