Our teams: OPPaLE

After starting my career in clinical activity, I chose to become a full-time researcher in perinatal epidemiology. I am currently a Research Professor (Directeur de Recherche) at INSERM.

My research focuses on identifying the determinants of the most severe maternal complications: maternal mortality and severe morbidity, with a special interest for determinants related to care and its quality. The final objective is to identify areas for improvement to reduce the occurrence of these severe events. Key events of interest include postpartum hemorrhage (main killer of mothers worldwide) and maternal mental health (emerging major issue).

My research program combines observational and interventional (RCTs) approaches, in France and Europe.

I coordinate the French Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths (ENCMM), and lead the “Severe Maternal Morbidity” group in the EPOPé team of the CRESS. I chair the Scientific board of the French Society for Perinatal Medicine (SFMP).

Research interests

  • Maternal and Women’s Health; Maternal mortality; Severe maternal morbidity; Obstetric haemorrhage
  • Quality of obstetric and maternal care
  • Modifiable determinants of maternal morbidity

Key publications

  • Diguisto C, Saucedo M, Kallianidis A, Bloemenkamp K, Bødker B, Buoncristiano M, Donati S, Gissler M, Johansen M, Knight M, Korbel M, Kristufkova A, Nyflot LT, Deneux-Tharaux C. Maternal mortality in eight European countries with enhanced surveillance systems: descriptive population based study. BMJ. 2022 Nov 16;379:e070621. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-070621. PMID: 36384872; PMCID: PMC9667469.
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  • Sentilhes L, Sénat MV, Le Lous M, Winer N, Rozenberg P, Kayem G, Verspyck E, Fuchs F, Azria E, Gallot D, Korb D, Desbrière R, Le Ray C, Chauleur C, de Marcillac F, Perrotin F, Parant O, Salomon LJ, Gauchotte E, Bretelle F, Sananès N, Bohec C, Mottet N, Legendre G, Letouzey V, Haddad B, Vardon D, Madar H, Mattuizzi A, Daniel V, Regueme S, Roussillon C, Benard A, Georget A, Darsonval A, Deneux-Tharaux C; Groupe de Recherche en Obstétrique et Gynécologie. Tranexamic Acid for the Prevention of Blood Loss after Cesarean Delivery. N Engl J Med. 2021 Apr 29;384(17):1623-1634. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2028788. PMID: 33913639. (Highly cited paper)
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  • Madar H, Goffinet F, Seco A, Rozenberg P, Dupont C, Deneux-Tharaux C; EPIMOMS (EPIdémiologie de la MOrbidité Maternelle Sévère) Study Group. Severe Acute Maternal Morbidity in Twin Compared With Singleton Pregnancies. Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Jun;133(6):1141-1150. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000003261. PMID: 31135727.
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