Members Homepage Members Members You will find below the list of CRESS members presented in alphabetical order. You can filter the list by function (for example, team leader, researcher, doctoral student, etc.) Filter by team OPPaLE Support platform – SMART International Associate Laboratory HERA EpiAgeing EPICEA EAROH METHODS ECAMO EREN ECSTRRA EPOPé Filter by function CRESS management Team leader Researcher PhD student Engineer Research support staff Invited researcher Intern Autres Clear filters Apply Laura Pavicic PhD Student OPPaLE Marie Payen de la Garanderie PhD student EREN Anna Pellat Post-doctoral researcher METHODS Sandrine Péneau Professor EREN Sophie Pennec HR assistant Support platform – SMART Elodie Perrodeau Senior biostatistician METHODS Francois Petit Researcher METHODS Etienne Peyrot PhD student METHODS Ngan Thi Thuy Phi PhD student METHODS Marianne Philibert Statistician OPPaLE Véronique Pierrat Researcher OPPaLE Anne Pinton PhD student OPPaLE Françoise Piron Administrative and management assistant OPPaLE Geneviève Plu-Bureau Professor OPPaLE Delphine Poquet Post-doctoral researcher OPPaLE Raphaël Porcher Professor METHODS Claire Poulalhon Hospital practitioner OPPaLE Clémentine Prioux PhD student EREN Alix Rambault Clinical research associate OPPaLE Brigitte Ranque Professor METHODS Emmanuel Rault PhD student OPPaLE Philippe Ravaud Professor METHODS Anouk Reuzé PhD student EREN Paula Rios Post-doctoral researcher OPPaLE 78910111213