Members Homepage Members Members You will find below the list of CRESS members presented in alphabetical order. You can filter the list by function (for example, team leader, researcher, doctoral student, etc.) Filter by team OPPaLE Support platform – SMART International Associate Laboratory HERA EpiAgeing EPICEA EAROH METHODS ECAMO EREN ECSTRRA EPOPé Filter by function CRESS management Team leader Researcher PhD student Engineer Research support staff Invited researcher Intern Autres Clear filters Apply Audrey Bonaventure Senior researcher OPPaLE Marie-Pierre Bonnet Professor OPPaLE Jérôme Bouchan PhD student EREN Luana Boumendil PhD Student ECSTRRA Mélisande Bourgoin-Heck Researcher HERA Laurent Bourhis Data manager/Statistician EREN Isabelle Boutron Team leader METHODS Antoine Braconnier PhD Student METHODS Sofia Brand University hospital assistant ECSTRRA Sophia Braund PhD student OPPaLE Karine Briot Professor ECAMO Joséphine Brunin PhD student EREN Ricardo Carbajal Professor OPPaLE Maria Clotilde Carra Professor METHODS Léonie Casagranda Engineer Clinical Research OPPaLE Cendrine Chaffaut Statistician ECSTRRA Anna Chaimani Inserm senior researcher METHODS Martin Chalumeau Professor OPPaLE Yannick Chantran Researcher HERA Anne Chantry Professor OPPaLE Stéphanie Chardon Administrative Director CRESS Support platform – SMART Marie-Laure Charkaluk Professor OPPaLE Marie Aline Charles Research professor OPPaLE Florian Chatelet PhD Student ECSTRRA 12345610