Our teams: OPPaLE
I am Professor in the Department of General Pediatrics and Pediatric Infectious Diseases in Hôpital Necker – Enfants Malades, Paris, France and senior researcher in Clinical epidemiology at Inserm UMR 1153 (CRESS), EPOPé team.
My research interests are mainly in the evaluation of medical tests and antibiotic use in children, and I am also interested in research methods and evidence synthesis, with a focus on diagnostic accuracy studies. I am an active member of the Cochrane Collaboration, member of the STARD Group, and Associate Editor at Diagnostic and Prognostic Research.
I received clinical training in Pediatrics (residency and fellowship) and Infectious diseases (fellowship) in Paris, France. I hold a PhD in Epidemiology (PhD advisor: Prof M Chalumeau) and spent 2 years as a post-doc in the Department of Clinical epidemiology, Bioinformatics, and Biostatistics of the University of Amsterdam (Head: Prof P Bossuyt). |
Research interests
- Evaluation of medical tests
- Reporting of primary diagnostic accuracy studies (STARD) and systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy studies (PRISMA-DTA)
- Evaluation of antibiotic use in children
- Pediatric infectious diseases
- Methods and statistics for systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Key publications
- Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DE, Gatsonis CA, Glasziou PP, Irwig L, Lijmer JG, Moher D, Rennie D, de Vet HCW, Kressel HY, Rifai N, Golub RM, Altman DG, Hooft L, Korevaar DA, Cohen JF. STARD 2015: an updated list of essential items for reporting diagnostic accuracy studies. BMJ. 2015;351:h5527.
View publication - Cohen JF, Korevaar DA, Gatsonis CA, Glasziou PP, Hooft L, Moher D, Reitsma JB, de Vet HCW, Bossuyt PM. STARD for Abstracts: essential items for reporting diagnostic accuracy studies in journal or conference abstracts. BMJ. 2017;358:j3751.
View publication - Cohen JF, Deeks JJ,Hooft L, Salameh JP, Korevaar DA, Gatsonis C, Hopewell S, Hunt HA, Hyde CJ, Leeflang MM, Macaskill P, McGrath TA, Moher D, Reitsma JB, Rutjes AWS, Takwoingi Y, Tonelli M, Whiting P, Willis BH, Thombs B, Bossuyt PM, McInnes MDF. Preferred reporting items for journal and conference abstracts of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of diagnostic test accuracy studies (PRISMA-DTA for Abstracts): checklist, explanation, and elaboration. BMJ. 2021;372:n265.
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