I’m a PhD student studying bias in non-randomised comparative effectiveness research in the field of medical mycology. We’re aiming to identify the main biases in these observational studies and to design a framework to address some unanswered treatment questions using target trial emulation.
I’m also an Infectious Diseases clinician working at Necker Hospital in Paris on the care of severely immunocompromised patients (patients with haematological malignancy, solid-organ transplant recipients, primary immunodeficiency…) and the treatment of invasive fungal infections.
One of my other research interests is the diagnosis and treatment of HIV-associated fungal infections (cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis) in Sub-Saharan Africa, and I’m currently working on an implementation project for Histoplasma antigen screening in Cameroun, Cote d’Ivoire, and Guinée Conakry (HASTE project, ANRS0673)
Research interests
- Medical mycology
- Causal inference and target trial emulation
Optimising the management of invasive fungal infections in France using surveillance data through target trial emulation
Olivier Paccoud
Promotion : 2024
Supervisor.s : Pr Raphael Porcher and Pr Fanny Lanternier