Members Homepage Members Members You will find below the list of CRESS members presented in alphabetical order. You can filter the list by function (for example, team leader, researcher, doctoral student, etc.) Filter by team OPPaLE Support platform – SMART International Associate Laboratory HERA EpiAgeing EPICEA EAROH METHODS ECAMO EREN ECSTRRA EPOPé Filter by function CRESS management Team leader Researcher PhD student Engineer Research support staff Invited researcher Intern Autres Clear filters Apply Soraya Aakki IT manager Support platform – SMART Aline Abou Assi PhD student OPPaLE Cédric Agaësse Head dietician EREN Marie Ajanohun Administrative and financial assistant EREN Farzaneh Alebouyeh Epidemiologist METHODS Julien Allègre Data manager EREN Benjamin Allès Senior researcher Inrae EREN Aude Almeras Project manager OPPaLE Selim Aloui Head of IT EREN Melissa Amyx Post-doctoral researcher METHODS Pierre-Yves Ancel Team leader OPPaLE Valentina Andreeva Associate Professor EREN Philippe Anract Professor ECAMO Nathalie Arnault Data manager/Statistician EREN Adrien Aubert Post-doctoral researcher OPPaLE Danielle Awounou PhD student OPPaLE Élie Azria Professor OPPaLE Olivier Babin IT Technician Support platform – SMART Mélissa Baietto PhD student OPPaLE Alan Balendran PhD student METHODS Rania Barka Statistician OPPaLE Gabriel Baron Senior biostatistician METHODS Julia Baudry Senior researcher EREN Dina Bedretdinova Post-doctoral researcher METHODS 123410