Our teams: OPPaLE

I am a research engineer at Inserm, within the EPICEA team (epidemiology of childhood and adolescent cancer) of the CRESS (UMR 1153 - Centre of Research in Epidemiology and StatisticS). In 2019, I obtained on accreditation to supervise research.

I am responsible for the GEOCAP program dedicated to research on environmental risk factors of childhood cancer, based on the French National registry of childhood cancer. Using geocoded data and geographical information system, we have conducted research projects on several environmental factors: pesticides in the vicinity of crops, traffic-related air pollution, natural background radiation (RadoNorm Europena project), extremely low frequency magnetic field close to overhead high voltage powerlines, infections (e.g. COVID-19) etc. We also account for the socio-economic individual and contextual environment.

I have also developed an expertise in childhood cancer surveillance, with the production of incidence and survival reference data, spatial and temporal analyses, participation in cluster investigations and follow-up of at-risk populations


French national registry of childhood cancer (RNCE) - https://rnce.inserm.fr

RadoNorm - Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific evidence and social considerations – focus on Radon and NORM https://www.radonorm.eu/

Research interests

  • Environmental risk factors of childhood cancer
  • Socio-economic determinants of exposures
  • Geographic information system
  • Incidence and survival of childhood cancer
  • Spatial and temporal variations in childhood cancer incidence rates
  • Cluster investigation

Key publications

  • Mancini M, Hémon D, de Crouy-Chanel P, Guldner L, Faure L, Clavel J, Goujon S. Association between residential proximity to viticultural areas and childhood acute leukemia risk in mainland France – GEOCAP case-control study, 2002-2013 Environ Health Perspect 2023. In press. doi: 10.1289/EHP12634
  • Berlivet J, Hémon D, Cléro É, Ielsch G, Laurier D, Guissou S, Lacour B, Clavel J, Goujon S. Ecological association between residential natural background radiation exposure and the incidence rate of childhood central nervous system tumors in France, 2000-2012. J Environ Radioact. 2020 Jan;211:106071. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106071. Epub 2019 Oct 7. PMID: 31600676.
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  • Goujon S, Kyrimi E, Faure L, Guissou S, Hémon D, Lacour B, Clavel J. Spatial and temporal variations of childhood cancers: Literature review and contribution of the French national registry. Cancer Med. 2018 Oct;7(10):5299-5314. doi: 10.1002/cam4.1774. Epub 2018 Sep 19. PMID: 30230715; PMCID: PMC6198217.
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