Our teams: OPPaLE

I study how sleep and circadian physiology are influenced by real life conditions and can be predictors of future health.

My research objectives are articulated in 4 complementary axes:

-        Describe the sleep characteristics (duration, quality, rhythms) overtime in different populations and in particular with the modelling of specific trajectories or groups of trajectories from birth to adulthood.

-        Identify factors explaining the different sleep characteristics in the different populations in order to identify specific levers for sleep interventions and prevention

-        Characterize how sleep characteristics explain later health markers to better understand the implication of sleep and to argue the need of sleep prevention

These first three axes are mainly based on French birth cohorts (EDEN, ELFE, SEPAGES…) but also on specific populations such as children with sleep disorders or adult volunteers or shift-workers.

-        Implement sleep interventions in children and adolescents on specific identified levers to modify (and assess) sleep characteristics and subsequent health markers.

Research interests

  • Epidemiology of sleep from childhood to adulthood
  • Risk factors and associated health outcomes (neurodevelopment, respiratory health, mental health, immunity …)
  • Sleep and circadian rhythm in specific populations (children with sleep pathologies, shift-workers …) and associated health outcomes
  • Interventions in schools

Key publications

  • Guerlich K, Avraam D, Cadman T, Calas L, Charles MA, Elhakeem A, Fernández-Barrés S, Guxens M, Heude B, Ibarluzea J, Inskip H, Julvez J, Lawlor DA, Murcia M, Salika T, Sunyer J, Tafflet M, Koletzko B, Grote V, Plancoulaine S. Sleep duration in preschool age and later behavioral and cognitive outcomes: an individual participant data meta-analysis in five European cohorts. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023. doi: 10.1007/s00787-023-02149-0.
  • Radmanish M, Khalfallah O, Glaichenhaus N, Forhan A, Heude B, Charles MA, Davidovic L, Plancoulaine S. Sleep duration trajectories associated with levels of specific serum cytokines at age 5: A longitudinal study in preschoolers from the EDEN birth cohort. Brain Behav Immun Health. 2022;21:100429. doi: 10.1016/j.bbih.2022.100429.
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  • Messayke S, Davisse-Paturet C, Nicklaus S, Dufourg MN, Charles MA, de Lauzon-Guillain B, Plancoulaine S. Infant feeding practices and sleep at 1 year of age in the nationwide ELFE cohort. Matern Child Nutr. 2021;17(1):e13072. doi: 10.1111/mcn.13072.
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