Our teams: OPPaLE
I am an obstetrician-gynecologist and a doctoral student in the OPPaLe team. My thesis focuses on the disparities in cesarean delivery according to women's migratory status.
Research interests
- Social inequalities in maternal and perinatal health
- Childbirth, medical intervention
- Impact of migration on perinatal health policies
Key publications
- Association between advanced paternal age and congenital heart defects : A systematic review and meta-analysis, Joinau-Zoulovits F, Bertille N, Cohen J, Khosnood B, Hum Reprod., 2020
View publication
Disparities in cesarean delivery according to women's migratory status
Félicia Joinau-Zoulovits
Promotion : 2024 - 2027
Supervisor.s : Elie Azria, Catherine Deneux-Tharaux