Our teams: EPOPé
The main projects conducted by the EPOPé team:
- Registries: ENCMM, REMAPAR, OMIN
- National and international studies and surveys: EPIMOMS, ENP, Euro-Peristat
- Randomized controlled trials: TRAAP 1 and 2, PREMEX, BETADOSE/BETANINO, RANSPRE, STOPOXY
- Using and exploiting large-scale medico-administrative databases (SNDS) : the QUALI-N study
- Others epidemiological studies: RéMI
National confidential enquiries on maternal mortality (ENCMM)
Catherine Deneux, Monica Saucedo - INSERM, SPF
Registre des malformations congénitales de Paris (REMAPAR)
Babak Khoshnood, Nathalie Lelong, Isabelle Monier - Inserm, SPF