Our teams: EPOPé

I am a PhD student currently engaged in research involving two French national longitudinal birth cohorts – EPIPAGE2 and Elfe. My doctoral work is dedicated to unraveling the nuanced aspects of the well-being, developmental trajectories, and social integration of moderate and late premature children compared to their early term and full-term counterparts. This research is carried out in collaboration with the EPOPé/EARoH teams of the Centre of Research in Epidemiology and StatisticS (CRESS) and is part of my doctoral studies affiliated with the Université Paris Cité.

Research interests

  • Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) epidemiology
  • Mental health
  • Prenatal development/neurodevelopment

Key publications

  • Music Milanovic S et al. Physical activity risk behaviour in school-aged children is associated with overweight and maternal characteristics. Kinesiology 53(2021)2:309-317.
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  • Marinovic P, Pavicic L et al. The presence of minor physical anomalies of a hand in patients with mental disorders. Psychiatria Danubina. 2022; 34(3):439-446.
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