Our supervisory bodies
The CRESS is affiliated with 4 supervisory bodies: Université Paris Cité, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Inserm, and INRAe.
The CRESS is directed by Isabelle Boutron with the support of Stéphanie Chardon, general secretary.

The CRESS is made up of 9 teams:
- OPPaLE Team (Perinatal and Pediatric Obstetric EPidemiology) – Pierre-Yves Ancel
- EREN Team (Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team) – Mathilde Touvier
- ECAMO Team (Clinical Epidemiology Applied to Osteoarticular Diseases) – Karine Briot
- METHODS Team (Methods of therapeutic evaluation of chronic diseases) – Isabelle BoutronE
- EpiAgeing Team (Epidemiology of Aging and Neurodegenerative diseases) – Archana Singh-Manoux

The CRESS is also the first center to have obtained an International Associated Laboratory (LIA) with an American university, Columbia University: LIA Columbia University / Inserm (Philippe Ravaud, Moïse Desvarieux)
The SMART platform (Shared Research Support Service)
The SMART, led by Stéphanie Chardon, general secretary, is structured around 4 axes:
- Finance: Carine Suku
- Human Resources: Sophie Pennec
- IT: Soraya Aakki
- Regulations and SNDS: Layla Vazifeh

The Executive Committee (COMEX)
The Executive Committee is composed of the director, the general secretary and all the team leaders. It meets every month.
It ensures that the Centre operating rules are respected and decides on scientific orientations, the arrival of new teams, the creation or arrival of emerging teams, applications for positions and the use of budget from research institutions.
Piloting groups
Our strategy is supported by piloting groups led by a CRESS member appointed by the centre director for a renewable 2-year period.
- Scientific emulations – Blandine de Lauzon
- Data-Stats Club – Aline Dugravot & Layla Vazifeh
- Doctoral students – Benjamin Allès
- Sustainable research – Julia Baudry
- Responsible research – Isabelle Boutron
- International Summer School – Anna Chaimani

The Centre Council
The Council is made up of the Executive Committee and elected staff representatives (tenured and non-tenured): engineers, technicians, administrative staff, researchers, and doctoral students. Elections are organised by the general secretary every 5 years. The Council has an advisory role on issues and decisions concerning the Centre’s human, financial, material and real-estate resources.
General Assembly
The General Assembly comprises all the Centre’s staff. A meeting is organised by the director and the general secretary once a year.
The International Scientific Advisory Board (iSAB)
The iSAB is responsible for making suggestions for the Centre’s overall scientific strategy. It meets every two years.
CRESS membership
New members of the CRESS are welcomed into the CRESS community; they sign the CRESS charter highlighting our values, good practices, rules of confidentiality, rights and duties.

CRESS is headquartered in central Paris at the Hôtel Dieu, with teams located at various hospital and university sites.