Cohorts / Platforms

Several members of the CRESS are leading world-class research infrastructures encompassing a range of population-based cohorts involving diverse groups:

  • Population-based cohorts of children such as Epipage 2, Elfe, RE-CO-NAI, EDEN, and the Paris cohort).
  • Cohorts focusing on children with cancer, comprimising COHOPER, HOPE-EPI.
  • Pregnant women cohorts including precare and EPIMOMS).
  • Adult cohorts such as Whitehall II, Constances, and DESIR.
  • Innovative e-cohorts exemplified by Nutrinet santé and compare.
  • European platforms such as EPICE.
  • Unique population-based registries like the national childhood cancer registry and the registry of congenital malformations of Paris.

Overall, these platforms include data from >450,000 people followed-up for several years. Most of these platforms are open.

We also create specific innovative platforms tailored for specific domains, such as:

An experimental online supermarket designed for interventional studies on consumer purchasing intentions

A platform designated for conducting living reviews exemplified by the COVID-NMA initiative
A platform dedicated for conducting citizen science projects, as demonstrated by PROCESS
A platform aimed at improving research quality, denoted as TrUST.

Further information on each platform is available below

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