Our teams: EPICEA

Research interests

  • Epidemiology of childhood cancer
  • Cohorts
  • Long term follow-up

Key publications

  • Poulalhon C, Vignon L, Idbrik L, Bernier-Chastagner V, Fabre M, Schleiermacher G, Dijoud F, Perrin C, Varlet P, Faure L, Guissou S, Désandes E, Hémon D, Berger C, Lacour B, Clavel J. Data Resource Profile: The French Childhood Cancer Observation Platform (CCOP). Int J Epidemiol. 2020 Oct 1;49(5):1434-1435k. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyaa048. PMID: 32642766.
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Project manager since 2014 within the EPICEA team of CRESS, I coordinate the Childhood Cancer Observational Platform, funded by the ANR (French National Research Agency) under the name of the HOPE-EPI cohort. The CCOP platform, backed by the National Registry of Childhood Cancers (RNCE), is a permanent infrastructure, allowing the long-term epidemiological monitoring of children who had cancer in their childhood.

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