Participation in the PAIR (Programme d’Actions Intégrées de Recherche) seminar on pediatric oncology
The restitution seminar for the 9th Programme d’Actions Intégrées de Recherche (PAIR), dedicated to childhood, adolescent and young adult cancers, was held on March 19, 2024 in Paris.
PAIRs, launched in 2009 in partnership between the French National Cancer Institute (INCa), the Ligue contre le cancer and the Fondation ARC pour la recherche sur le cancer, aim to support all dimensions and questions of cancer research in the context of a pathology. In 2016, the funders wanted to focus their efforts on the origins, management and consequences of pediatric cancers, which affect around 1,850 children and 450 adolescents every year. Between 2016 and 2023, three projects will be supported under the PAIR pédiatrie program, for a total of over €5 million.
Claire Poulalhon, epidemiologist in the EPICEA team, represented the project “START: life after cancer in childhood and adolescence; better understanding and management through long-term follow-up”, alongside coordinator Charlotte Demoor-Godschmidt (CHU d’Angers). Claire Poulalhon outlined the major issues involved in monitoring a growing population (almost 40,000 people since 2000, thanks to a survival rate of over 80% at 5 years), at high risk of complications throughout life.
She presented the implementation of the COHOPER follow-up cohort from the National Childhood Cancer Registry (RNCE), in particular the national survey of 7,000 young adults to be carried out at the end of 2021 as part of PAIR. Initial descriptive results and detailed analyses currently underway on the health, quality of life, lifestyle and socio-professional integration of participants were also presented.
Replay – Séminaire PAIR pédiatrie (