- Benjamin Allès, researcher – host
- Jonathan Bernard, researcher
- Isabelle Boutron, researcher, future CRESS director
- Stéphanie Goujon, researcher
- Clémentine Prioux, 2nd year PhD student
- Séverine Sabia, researcher
On September 26, the PhD students’ committee met.
During this meeting, the name of the committee was determined: Comité des doctorant(e)s du CRESS / CRESS PhD committee. This name was chosen to include both the aspects of scientific animation events, training and convivial moments.
In addition, an exchange around communication tools took place, several tools such as Sharepoint or Teams were shown as examples, in particular to find a tool that would be used between PhD students for methodologically and user-friendly purposes.
Furthermore, the committee shared the results of the satisfaction survey of the CRESS scientific day of 06/26/2023 and proposal for scientific animation. In terms of entertainment, the respondents’ wish oral scientific presentations and workshops on the creation of research projects for the next events. Also, respondents would be interested (81%) in social events between CRESS PhD students. The committee suggests that PhD students could launch event initiatives themselves, but it would first be necessary to put them in contact via communication tools.
Discussion around animations:
There are currently two recurring events for doctoral students: the speed meeting day and the scientific day for the 2nd and 3rd years. The wish is to complete these two days, to which a third day would be added.
Each day targets a year of the thesis, knowing that doctoral students from other years will also be invited to encourage exchanges between years:
- 1st year thesis day – February:
– Morning: speed meeting. The 1st year PhD students present their project in front of a table of researchers, and to the 2nd and 3rd years
– Afternoon: article writing/publication workshop. Intervention to lead a workshop on writing a scientific article or the principle of peer-review/publication - 2nd year thesis day – April:
– Morning: presentation of studies, 2nd year PhD students present a study of their thesis, in front of CRESS researchers and other years
– Afternoon: career workshop, with testimony from alumni (several types of career profiles) - 3rd year thesis day – end of November or beginning of December:
– Morning: presentation of the thesis perspectives: scientists and others
– Afternoon: thesis writing and perspectives workshop
The committee also discussed cross-team training/presentations for doctoral students. These trainings and presentations will be discussed shortly at the next meeting.