PhD student: Etienne Duranté
Title: New methods to evaluate digital therapeutics: the example of depression
Supervisors: Philippe Ravaud (MD,PhD) & Astrid Chevance (MD, PhD)
Doctoral school: ED393 Pierre Louis (Université Paris Cité & Sorbonne Université)
Promotion: 2023
Funding: Funding provided by the PI
Thesis abstract :
Depressive disorders are frequent and burdensome. To address them, there is an increasing proliferation of digital therapeutics (‘DTx’, medical interventions based on software use), aspiring to be prescribed by physicians and covered by patients’ insurance. Their implementation in real life seems compromised by the low quality of studies supporting these tools and an insufficient consideration of the needs of the stakeholders (persons suffering from depression and healthcare professionals). We aim to propose new methods and data to evaluate and develop relevant digital therapeutics for people suffering from depressive disorders