

The “first 1,000 days” (from conception to two years of age) represent a critical window for child development and future health. During this period, the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), particularly omega-3 and omega-6, plays a crucial role in brain development. These intakes depend on the diet of the pregnant or breastfeeding woman and individual metabolism. PUFA exposure levels are measured by their concentration in biological fluids (blood, red blood cells, plasma, milk). Our previous research has shown that an imbalance between omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs in the diet during pregnancy and in breast milk composition is associated with less favorable general cognitive development in young children (Bernard et al., 2015 & 2017). This imbalance may also contribute to the development of more specific neurodevelopmental disorders, such as “dys” disorders. These disorders impact early learning (e.g., language, motor coordination) or academic performance, affecting an individual’s life trajectory. However, the etiology of these disorders remains poorly understood.



Our objective is to study the role of PUFA exposure during the first 1,000 days on the development of dys disorders. This research is based on the epidemiological analysis of data from the French birth cohorts EDEN and Elfe, which include 1,907 and 18,329 mothers and their children, respectively. The children’s follow-up includes regular and thorough evaluations of cognitive functions and learning disorders.

Project Organization and Outline: 

The project is structured around the following four specific objectives, as illustrated in the conceptual diagram (Figure 1):

  1. Characterize and describe the PUFA exposure of children in the two cohorts
  2. Characterize dys disorders at different ages in these children
  3. Investigate the role of PUFAs in dys disorders
  4. Communicate and disseminate the results

Figure 1. Specific objectives of the ODYCÉ project




The ODYCÉ project, coordinated by B. Heude, is funded by the AXA Mutual Fund and involves three research teams: the Early Life Research on Health Determinants (EAROH) team from CRESS (UMR1153 Inserm-Université Paris Cité; (, the Cognitive Development and Typical Development team from the Laboratory of Cognitive Sciences and Psycholinguistics (LSCP – ENS, EHESS, CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure, PSL University ;, and the “Cardiovascular System” team from CRMBM (UMR7339 CNRS-AixMarseille Université ;

Expected Results:

From a scientific perspective, the analysis of biological material from the Elfe cohort will enrich the existing database for EDEN and generate crucial insights into the relationship between PUFAs and typical child neurodevelopment. Initial results from the EDEN cohort regarding nutritional and genetic determinants of perinatal exposure to PUFA have been published in the Journal of Lipid Research (DOI: 10.1016/j.jlr.2024.100562). The links between this exposure and child neurodevelopment at age 5, using both conventional approaches and Mendelian randomization, are under analysis and will be the subject of an upcoming publication.


From a public health standpoint, the scientific data to be acquired are essential for establishing targeted nutritional recommendations for women of childbearing age, pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as infants and young children. These recommendations will be evidence-based and better suited to the cognitive health of these populations. These nationally representative data will be useful for various health organizations in the context of the “first 1,000 days.” Additionally, we will work to disseminate our results through the press and social media to raise awareness among healthcare professionals and the general public about the importance of early prevention through nutrition.



The ODYCÉ project is funded by the AXA Mutual Fund 2022.

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