

The two studies aimed:

  • to study the influence, on the risk of cancer in children, of the course of pregnancy, of the characteristics of the child at birth, of the environment of the child in utero or during childhood , his lifestyle.
  • to identify genetic predisposition factors.
  • to look for possible interactions between genetic factors and environmental factors


The cases were identified in the pediatric oncology departments; the controls were recruited from telephone lists respecting quotas of age, gender and household size.

Case and control mothers were interviewed by telephone.

Blood or saliva samples were taken subject to informed consent.


    ESCALE, 2003-2004    ESTELLE, 2010-2011 
   Interviews  DNA   Interviews   DNA
Leukaemia  764  723 746  707
Lymphoma  295  257  344  317
Brain tumour  209  176  302  254
Neuroblastoma  191  154  200  166
Nephroblastoma  –  –  119  106
Hepatoblastoma  –  –  22  19
Controls 1681 810 1421 894

Regulatory aspects

ESCALE   CNIL n°902162 – RBM (DGS 2003/0259)

ESTELLE  CNIL n°908283 – hors RBM -CPP Ile de France IV, 2008/12NICB

Collaborations for genetic analysis : CNRGH/CEA, Institut Pasteur Lille

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