Nutri-Score decree signed on Friday 14 March 2025
Catherine Vautrin, Annie Genevard, Eric Lombard, Yannick Neuder and Véronique Louwagie signed the Nutri-Score decree on Friday 14 March 2025, while calling for continuous improvement of the scheme.
- A shared commitment to health and food
One in two people in France today is overweight or obese, and there are major social and regional inequalities. Health and diet are inextricably linked. A balanced, safe, healthy and varied diet is essential to ensure a good quality of life, maintain a satisfactory level of physical fitness and prevent chronic diseases. Against this backdrop, ministers Catherine Vautrin, Annie Genevard, Eric Lombard, Yannick Neuder and Véronique Louwagie share a common commitment to promoting this food model by making it accessible to all.
- Recognition of the food industry’s efforts
The ministers welcome the food industry’s ongoing efforts to improve the nutritional quality of products, in particular by reducing salt, sugar and fat content. These initiatives are essential to improving public health and combating illnesses linked to poor diet. The aim is to co-construct new collective agreements with all stakeholders.
They remain committed to supporting the agri-food industry in its transition to healthier eating, while preserving the diversity and excellence of our know-how and national products.
- The Nutri-Score: a system serving consumers that needs to be perfected
Adopted in France in October 2017, this logo, designed by the efforts of the Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team (EREN-CRESS) is now a public health tool serving consumers: its aim is to enlighten choices and encourage a diet that is more conducive to health.
Other countries (Austria, Finland) are also interested in the approach and are actively participating in this governance as observers.
As part of this governance process, a scientific committee of independent experts has carried out a comprehensive assessment of the system’s calculation methods, proposing changes based on scientific literature and contributions from stakeholders (consumer associations, economic players, etc.).
The changes introduced by this decree improve the differentiation between foods according to their salt and sugar content, and between wholefoods rich in fibre and their refined alternatives. They also improve the classification of oily fish (sources of omega 3) and oils that are lower in saturated fatty acids, as well as the differentiation between drinks according to their sugar content, while taking into account the presence of sweeteners to limit their use as a substitute for sugar.
article based on the press release dated 14/03/2025