
On 07/12/2024, Club Data-Stats launched its 1st “R” initiation workshop for CRESS staff.

This workshop focused on the R Studio working environment, and enabled us to establish best practices for getting started, and then to gather participants’ requests in order to establish the content of subsequent workshops.

1st workshop: R Studio working environment, best practices to get started

This first workshop was led by Lou Chaves Ferreira from the EPICEA team. It was divided into 3 parts:

  1. Presentation of the interface (console, environment tab, working directory, creating a script…)
  2. How to save your script file and clean up and exit your environment
  3. Workspace directory overview, backing up your workspace, importing a workspace, changing workspace options, files: .Rhistory, .Rdata

The Data-Stats Club is now working on additional workshops to meet the needs expressed by participants.


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