
Title : Identification of use patterns for assistive devices, human help and home modifications in the older population in France.

Team CRESS: EpiAgeing : Epidemiology of Ageing & Neurodegenerative diseases, Inserm U1153

Team leader : Archana Singh-Manoux, Séverine Sabia

Activity location: Université de Paris, Inserm U1153, 10 avenue de Verdun, 75010 Paris

Supervision: Benjamin Landré et Gabriella Silva (ajouter les profils sur l’annonce)

Topic : The aging of the population increases the individual and societal challenges of maintaining good health and independence among older adults. The reliance on assistive devices, human help, or home adaptations, to perform basic activities of daily living represents a major event in the lives of theelderly, and a challenge for society. Studies describing the use of these aids and adaptations generally detail epidemiological indicators of use and need by type of aid or adaptation. These fail to consider that a significant proportion of their users require several aids on a daily basis, which could lead to an inaccurate estimate of the proportion of participants correctly equipped.

The aim of this internship is to identify the combinations of assistive devices, human help and home adaptations most frequently observed in the population of older adults, describe the indicators of use and need for each of them, and summarize the socio-demographic characteristics of their users. Clustering approaches (latent class analysis, model-based clustering) will be applied to data from two national surveys conducted in France, Handicap-Santé and Autonomie, to identify typical groupings of aids and home adaptations observed in the population. Good ability in programming (R software) and knowledge of statistics (clustering methods) are expected for this project.

Contact : Benjamin Landré, email :


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