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Press review – Monday, June 24, 2024 – click here

EC – Horizon Europe – MSCA PF 2024

As part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) funded by the European Commission (EC), the MSCA-PF (Postoctoral Felowship) AAP aims to develop and relaunch the careers of postdoctoral researchers who show great potential, given their experience, by strengthening the skills and creative and innovative potential of researchers through individual research projects with international and cross-sectoral mobility. Two types of fellowship are offered: European Fellowship (EF) and Global Fellowhips (GF).

  • Deadline for applications: September 11, 2024
  • Call terms and conditions here

ERC-Advanced Grant

The European Commission’s call for ERC-Advanced Grant projects is open until August 29, 2024.

marie curie actions


La lettre – June – Open in a browser

Headlines: Preventing psychosocial risks: focus on teleworking

Financing :

  • Fundamental cancer research. The Fondation Tourre supports fundamental cancer research by funding
    the work of post-doctoral students. The Fondation Tourre-Paris Descartes grant is worth
    of €60,000. The Fondation Tourre-Institut Necker prize is worth €15,000.
    Application deadline: November 12.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. The Lefoulon-Delalande Foundation and its partners encourage international, multidisciplinary research partnerships in the field of cardiovascular disease. Funding (€2 million) is available for projects lasting up to 4 years. Application deadline: June 27.
  • Biotherapies and bioproduction of therapies . ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases is funding research in the field of biotherapies and bioproduction of therapies to the tune of 13 million euros under the eponymous PEPR. The call, co-piloted by Inserm and CEA, aims to support projects in one of the following areas: industrial-scale manufacturing of cell therapies and the emergence of tissue therapies (regenerative medicine); accelerating the deployment of gene therapies; developing engineering for biotherapies and bioprocesses; supporting emerging fields related to biotherapies. Application deadline: September 5.
  • Replace, reduce, refine. The French 3R Center is encouraging researchers involved in the reduction, refinement or replacement of animal models with a €700 prize. Application deadline: September 9.
  • Horizon Europe: 6 calls for cancer projectsThe European Commission is publishing six calls for projects as part of the Horizon Europe program’s Cancer mission. These are one-stage calls for projects, for amounts ranging from 3 to 12 million euros. Application deadline: September 18. Inserm contact:
  • Health of African populations. The Hideyo-Noguchi Prize for Africa supports research for the benefit of African populations to the tune of $1 million (€925,000). Applications are open to all, regardless of nationality. Application deadline: September 20.
  • Alzheimer’s disease. The Alzheimer’s Foundation finances the international mobility of researchers wishing to work in a foreign public laboratory, with the aim of developing new approaches and initiating collaborative work on their return to France. Application deadline: September 30.
    French-Korean collaboration. The French Embassy in the Republic of Korea funds the mobility of French researchers wishing to collaborate with South Korea. Application deadline: December 1.

Université Paris Cité

Research News – Monday, June 24, 2024click here

Headlines: PR[AI]RIE – Paris School of IA: leader in the international AI race


  • AAP Gros équipements 2024

The Comité Plateformes & Équipements Scientifiques (or COPES) of Université Paris Cité renews its call for Major Equipment projects for 2024


  • European Partnership EUPAHW Animal Health and Welfare – 1st Call 2024 Promoting Animal Health and Welfare

EUPAHW’s objectives are in line with the European “green deal” and its associated “fork to farm” strategy, which advocates a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system. The aim of this call is to support the future of terrestrial and aquatic animal health and welfare through research, innovation and the advancement of basic and socio-economic sciences.


  • Horizon Europe- European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grants – ERC-2024 – ADG

ERC Advanced Grants are intended for researchers who are at a stage in their careers where they are already established leaders with recognized research achievements. Applicants must demonstrate the revolutionary nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal. Applications can be submitted in any field of research. Advanced Grants can be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 2,500,000 over a 5-year period.

  • Deadline: August 29, 2024
  • READ MORE on website
  • European Commission – Launch of the second MSCA4Ukraine call for applications

The EC has allocated an additional budget of 10M€ to the MSCA4Ukraine action, which aims to support Ukrainian researchers displaced as a result of the war. From June onwards, applicants and organizations wishing to host Ukrainian researchers under this scheme will be able to access the application documents directly on the MSCA4Ukraine platform. The tool for registering and submitting applications will be available from August 2024.


  • Plaine Commune – MSH Paris Nord: Making the city with art and culture?

The aim of the joint AAP is to stimulate a research dynamic that takes as its object of reflection and action, the production of urban territory by culture, and in return, to study how territorial issues, here and elsewhere, redefine cultural projects in the contemporary city. This call invites researchers from all horizons and in possible association with other actors, to formulate projects, on the territory of Plaine Commune or elsewhere, in connection with this theme that questions the past, present and future of urban spaces.



The PREZODE PEPR aims to strengthen the production of knowledge and the development of relevant tools to define innovative strategies for risk reduction and early detection of emergencies. It is divided into 5 work packages (WP). This call for projects concerns only workpackage 3 of PEPR PREZODE, which aims 1/ to develop innovative methods to improve surveillance and early warning systems and 2/ to optimize epidemiological surveillance of zoonoses with a view to early warning.

  • Deadline for submission: September 17, 2024 at 11 a.m.
  • Call terms and conditions here
  • ANR – LabCom 2024

A LabCom, which stands for “joint laboratory”, aims to structure a long-term partnership between a research organization and a company in a specific field or theme, with a view to generating new knowledge for the benefit of both partners. The aim of this program is to encourage academic research players to create structured partnerships through the co-construction of “Joint Laboratories” between an SME or ETI and a research organization laboratory.

  • Allocated budget: €363 k
  • Duration: 54 months
  • Deadline for session 1: September 20, 2024 at 5 p.m.
  • For more details consult this page
  • For further information, please contact: and


  • AAP – Maupertuis

The Maupertuis program aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation between France and Finland. It aims to encourage scientific cooperation in the fields of science, innovation and higher education on all research topics of mutual interest.

The PHC funds mobility for bilateral projects presented jointly by one or more French research teams. It promotes scientific and technological cooperation between French and foreign researchers in public institutions, encourages the establishment of new links and partnerships, and the development of innovative ideas of excellence. It fosters synergies between two scientific communities and strengthens links between research and industry (public and private). The participation of young researchers and doctoral students will be an important criterion. For partnerships with European countries, particular attention will be paid to projects that fit in with the European Union’s political priorities as expressed in the new Horizon Europe framework program.

  • CHP Balaton 2025: Deadline: July 4, 2024
  • PHC Sakura 2025: Deadline: September 3, 2024
  • CHP Siam: Deadline: August 19, 2024
  • CHP Rila 2025: Deadline: September 16, 2024


  • AAC – Cotutelle de thèse

A cotutelle de thèse is a training project enabling doctoral students to carry out their research work under the joint supervision of two thesis directors in different countries, and to obtain a diploma in the two institutions concerned. This scheme promotes international attractiveness, international doctoral mobility, international cooperation and the internationalization of Université Paris Cité’s training programs.

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Ile-De-France Region


The Region is strengthening the scientific/technological skills of the Ile-de-France scientific ecosystem by supporting research projects requiring significant material investment. This call for projects aims to support, develop and create structuring facilities, such as research platforms open to SMEs, by providing financial support for shared platforms and equipment enabling research and development collaboration. Research platform projects funded by the ERDF must fall within the scope of one or more Strategic Innovation Domains (S3), including : Bioproduction, biotechnologies, health technologies and AI (Artificial Intelligence) and HPC (High-Performance Computing).

  • Allocated budget: €16 M
  • Duration: 3 years maximum
  • Deadline for submission: September 12, 2024 at 5 p.m.
  • Call terms and conditions here
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