
Useful informations

Date : 2024-06-25

Hour : 11h - 12h

Venue : webinar

Is public : Yes

RDV Lorier – Inserm Webinar on 25/06 from 11am to 12pm (online)
How the 3Rs can improve the quality of science and research practices

Athanassia Sotiropoulos has a PhD in cellular and molecular biology, and is a research director at Inserm. With Pascal Maire, she co-directs the “Neuromuscular development, genetics and pathophysiology” team at the Institut Cochin. Her scientific work has focused on cellular and transcriptional signaling, and on understanding the plasticity of adult skeletal muscle. Since December 2021, she has headed the GIS FC3R, the French reference center for all issues relating to the ethical principle of the 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refinish).

During this webinar, Athanassia will present the GIS FC3R, which aims to support research using animals for scientific purposes and to promote alternative and innovative methods. She will not only emphasize the importance of the 3R principle (Replace, Reduce, Refine), but will also address concepts related to scientific value and quality (such as “Robotics”).
scientific quality (such as the Robustness and Validity of experiments conducted), as well as good research practices. The main actions of the GIS FC3R to promote more ethical and better quality research will be presented.

They cover :

  • i) communication to publicize and connect the 3R community;
  • ii) promoting open science and experimental design tools;
  • iii) disseminating and developing the 3R training offer and
  • iv) funding high-impact 3R projects.

You can now submit your questions to Athanassia by sending them to

The webinar is open to all by registering via this link

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