
Useful informations

Date : 2024-04-25

Hour : 14h45 - 16h45

Venue : Hôtel-Dieu – Amphithéâtre Dupuytren

Is public : No

You are cordially invited to a symposium on precision medicine on Thursday afternoon, April 25. This symposium is organized by the CRESS team.

The aim of this symposium is to share knowledge on what precision medicine is, based on concrete examples. The symposium will also be an opportunity to discuss potential future projects among CRESS teams.

The symposium will consist of 2 presentations, followed by a discussion.


  • 15.00-15.45: Prof. dr. Anthony Khawaja (University College London) – a clinical perspective on the use of genomics for precision medicine, examples of glaucoma
  • 15.45-16.30 : Dr. Florie Brion-Bouvier – (Equipe METHODS du CRESS, INSERM Paris) – a methodological perspective on the development of individualized treatments
  • 16.30-16.45: discussion
  • Followed by a closing drink to extend your exchanges.


Please let us know if you would like to take part before April 10, 2024, so that we can best organize the event, by filling in the following link:…-pl0fhzoc


Frank Van Der Heide – Post-doctoral fellow in the EpiAgeing team and member of the CRESS Scientific Events Committee –

Blandine de Lauzon Guillain – Researcher and member of the CRESS Scientific Events Committee –

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