
Useful informations

Date : 2025-02-11

Hour : 9h - 17h

Venue : Reid Hall de Columbia 4 rue de Chevreuse à Paris

Is public : Yes

PhD Day: 1st year, speed-meeting & workshops

– Speed meeting – 3-minute presentation of your thesis project followed by a discussion with a small group of CRESS researchers and 2nd year PhD students.

– Workshop on writing a protocol, pre-registration and reporting guidelines, essential tools for transparent and reproducible research.

– Workshop on writing articles, led by Séverine Sabia, researcher in the EpiAgeing team. Details of this second workshop are below.

It will consist of a joint reflection on the writing of articles. It will consist of a presentation by Séverine Sabia outlining what is expected of an article. Discussion groups will then be set up to work together on concrete examples of different parts of an article (Introduction, abstract, methods, results, discussion, tables and figures).

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