Useful informations
Promoting health and well-being during childhood: lessons from longitudinal research
Friday 4 April – from 1.30 to 5pm – at Villemin (room to be defined)
1.30pm: welcome coffee
2pm: Gabrielle Garon-Carrier, Université de Sherbrooke
Early determinants of children’s cognitive and mental development : Towards better adapted social policies
Some parents may find it difficult to provide a healthy and stimulating family environment during the perinatal period, which is essential for the cognitive development and health of infants. During this period, parents are more at risk of psychological difficulties, which can complicate their ability to meet their child’s needs. This is not without consequences for the child. This presentation focuses on the early determinants that explain individual differences in children’s cognitive development and mental health, and on how social policies aimed at families with young children can be adjusted to offer better support to families. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings for preventive interventions, as well as avenues for future research, will be discussed.
3pm: Caroline Fitzpatrick, Université de Sherbrooke
The health and well-being of children and young people in the digital age
Children born in the new millennium have unprecedented access to screens. As a result, the majority of children and young people exceed the screen time limits proposed by paediatric and exercise physiology societies. What are the consequences of screen use for the overall development and mental health of children and young people? What role does the family context play in these effects? In this presentation, we will review the state of scientific knowledge based on longitudinal and cohort studies on the link between the use of screens and the physical, cognitive and social development of children and adolescents. The results presented will be contextualised in terms of their implications for the development of strategies and guidelines to promote the digital well-being of children and families.
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