On December 19, 2023, CRESS welcomed its new class of doctoral students. This welcome day enabled them to meet the members of the doctoral students’ committee, and to share their backgrounds and first experiences with other members of the class.
After a presentation of our center, its activities and organization by Isabelle Boutron, they were welcomed by our 1st class sponsor: Prof. Serge Hercberg. Many thanks to him for accepting this mission, for sharing with them his career as a researcher, which greatly impressed them, and for following them over the next 3 years.
Welcome again to our new class of 2023 PhD students:
- Amira Benattia
- Sophia Braund
- Roxane Couturier
- Henri Dehove
- Jules Descamps
- Briana Destaffan
- Etienne Durante
- Anais Hasenböhler
- Sebastien Jungo
- Thiphaine Lenfant
- Jaime Lopez Garcia
- Anne Murarasu
- Yvan Njonfang mbakop
- Elena Obeid
- Charles Ouazana-vedrines
- Laura Pavicic
- Maelys Pernin-schneider
- Emmanuel Raulx
- Clara Rollet
- Madeleine Santraine
- Sam Vidil
- Soodabeh Behboodi

Photo credit: Franck Cluzel
Serge Hercberg
- Sponsor of the class of 2023
- Professor Emeritus
- Eren team