CaPulCo: Cardiometabolic health outcomes and their association with Plant-based dietary pattern in the current nutritionally sustainable transition: an epidemiological multi-COhort study
WHO has been estimated that healthy lifestyles, including sufficient physical activity level and a healthy diet, could decrease between 81 to 94% myocardial infarction risks worldwide. Food behaviors considered unhealthy regarding cardiovascular health mostly result from a first « occidental » nutrition transition, now followed by a second transition, toward more nutritionally sustainable diets. As diet favoring plant-based food have been acknowledged beneficial for human, planetary and animal health altogether referring to “One Health” concept, identifying and promoting healthy plant-based diets could enhance this second transition.
The main objective of the CaPulCo project is to estimate the associations between cardiometabolic risks and both indicators of a priori defined healthy and unhealthy plant-based diets, in three population studies of French adults, using a multi-cohort observational design. This project will allow to compare results obtained in two prospective cohorts: NutriNet-Santé and STANISLAS, and Esteban a nationally cross-sectional representative survey.
For each population study, it will be possible to compute nutritional indices which will allow to classify participants according to their intake of healthy and unhealthy plant-based food intakes using a validated scoring system, already implemented in the NutriNet-Santé cohort. Other data-driven exploratory methods will be developed to derive dietary patterns in two cohorts. The three population studies recorded complementary data about metabolic risk factors, cardiovascular phenotyping and prospective cardiovascular events. This complementarity will enable to understand how plant-based diet could influence cardiovascular health, at different stages of physiopathological processes.
The consortium of nutritional epidemiologists, public health experts and clinicians will produce new scientific evidence to define which plant-based diet are nutritionally sustainable and could be promoted.