Cohorts / Platforms


The COHOPER cohort (COHOrt of the PEdiatric cancer Registries) provides systematic epidemiological surveillance of people who had cancer in childhood.

It includes all people identified by the National Childhood Cancer Registry for a diagnosis of cancer since 2000.

Its objective is to assess their risk of relapse, sequelae and second cancer and more generally their state of health at a distance from their disease.


Information collected

The COHOPER online survey aims to better understand the consequences of cancer or certain benign childhood tumors and their treatments on health, quality of life, lifestyle and family and professional situation. people who have become adults. Systematic epidemiological follow-up is also carried out by linkage withe health insurance and hospital databases (SNDS).


Key numbers


start of inclusion


patients included in the long term follow-up


persons eligible for the questionnaire


eligible people answered the questionnaire

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