
Useful informations

Date : 2024-10-24

Hour : 10h - 12h

Venue : Boardroom, Site Villemin 10 avenue de Verdun 75010 Paris & online

Is public : No

EAROH seminar open to CRESS: ‘Physical activity trajectories from childhood to adulthood and their links with health’ – Pr Mathieu Bélanger

24/10/2024 from 10am to 12pm, Salle du conseil, Site Villemin
10 avenue de Verdun 75010 Paris

Preferably face-to-face, but hybrid format with TEAMS planned:

Mathieu Bélanger, PhD is a Full Professor in the Department of Family and Emergency Medicine at the Université de Sherbrooke and Epidemiologist for the Vitalité Health Network. He is also Director of the IMPACTS Lab at the Centre de formation médicale du Nouveau-Brunswick. This research team adopted a mission to uncover the power of lifestyle behaviours to reduce the burden of chronic diseases. They use epidemiologic methods to study the development of physical activity and other behaviours throughout the life course and identify determinants and outcomes of these behaviours. He published over 135 scientific articles and secured over 15M$ for his research.

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