
Useful informations

Date : 2024-07-15

Is public : Yes


As part of France 2030, the French government has entrusted Inserm with the management of a funding program for disruptive, high-risk and high-impact research in the field of health, called Impact Santé.

Launched on May 2, 2024 and endowed with 30 million euros for its first year of experimentation, the Impact Santé program, coordinated by Inserm, aims to enable the detection, as far upstream as possible, of research avenues that could lead to disruptive, high-impact scientific innovations in medical research. Impact Santé is built around two pillars:

  • on the one hand, the detection and priming of exploratory projects (up to a maximum of 100,000 euros per project) ;
  • and, secondly, the support and acceleration of more mature projects, known as acceleration projects (up to 3 million euros per project).

This funding program is open to all, and is aimed at the entire health research community, involving both basic and applied research.

Inserm’s goal is to have funded, via Impact Santé, by the end of 2024:

  • between 10 and 12 exploratory projects (likely, after a maturation phase, to become breakthrough research projects) ;
  • between 8 and 10 acceleration projects (already considered sufficiently mature to produce breakthrough research).

how to apply :

  • 1st deadline: 15/07
  • 2nd: 15/10
  • 3rd and last: 01/12
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