Our teams: EPICEA

I am a cancer epidemiologist specialized in the research of environmental factors associated with cancer onset. I have recently arrived in the CRESS team OPPaLe (INSERM UMR 1153) and my focus is on paediatric cancers and ambient pesticide and traffic-related air pollution exposures in the GEOCAP program.

Research interests

  • Paediatric cancers - Leukaemia - Testicular cancer
  • Pesticides - Endocrine disrupting chemicals - Traffic-related air pollution - Radiofrequencies – electromagnetic fields
  • Système d’information géographique - Matrices culture-exposition - Matrices emploi-exposition - Questionnaire alimentaire

Key publications

  • Danjou, A.M.N., Pérol, O., Coste, A. et al. Domestic use of pesticides during early periods of development and risk of testicular germ cell tumors in adulthood: a French nationwide case-control study. Environ Health 20, 111 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-021-00795-y
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